Sunday, January 4, 2009

First days galore!

Well, today is a day of firsts. It's the first day of our family blog (we'll try to update weekly here), and it was Andrew's first day of Primary.

You heard me.

Andrew's first day of primary. Yes, he's gone from nursery just as Lori is about to have another (for those of you who didn't know that, she's due in June).

It was actually a pretty funny day. After Sacrament Meeting, Andrew came up to see me on the stand like he always does. I think he thinks it's cool to come see Dad up there, and he asked me to take him to his class. Now to him, he was thinking Nursery. We've been telling him and telling him that today he would start going to Primary with Natalie, but he just kept telling us no.

So as we left the chapel, he tried to pull me into the Nursery, but no dice. Dad was too tough for him. I finally convinced him to go to Primary and sit on my lap. I actually think he would have done OK in our old ward (ward boundaries recently changed and we've been assigned to a new ward) where he knew everyone, but we've only been in this ward for about two and a half months, and it's all pretty new. In our old ward there were going to be 10--yes TEN--sunbeams in his class, kids he grew up with. In our new ward, there were 19 kids in the whole primary, and that includes about six visitors. It is literally the biggest primary they've ever had in the ward.

Well, he and I sat through the first hour of Primary OK, and we began to learn the new song for this year's Primary Program, "Families are from God", but soon I needed to get to Priesthood. So we left. After Priesthood opening exercises he and I sat on the couch and he ate Smarties his mom gave him. After about 30 minutes, he looked at me and said, "I'm ready to go to my class now!" So I reminded him he had a new class to go to, and he agreed. So I took him to the new class, and he stayed by himself to color his picture.

All in all, I'll consider this one a success.



  1. Are you in the middle up on the stand or on the sides? Glad that you have a blog!! now all you need to do is add Pictures. Tell your family hello.

    the dickamores

  2. What do you mean your family is growing. I have to find out on the blog???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
